InSync facilitates the practice user to track the claims related issues, assign issues and resolve them from Claim Issue Log screen. To configure the Claim Issue Log widget, access the User Profile screen by clicking the wheel icon User_profile from Dashboard. In the Bookmarks left menu, select the Billing tab and then select the ‘Claim Issue Log’ check box.

To create a claim issue log:

1.Expand the left pane, click Billing > Claim Issue Log. The Claim Issue Log screen is displayed.
2.Use various search criteria to find the desired claim issues.
3.Click Search. You can view the list of issues based on search criteria.
oTo edit the issue, click the Edit icon edit_1.
oTo close the issue, click the Closed icon Closed_issue .
oTo re-open the issue, click the Re-Open icon Re-Open_issue.

You can also Add Full Claim/Add Line Items, Add Response, Close Issues or view History from Claim Issue Log screen.

