Clinical Quality Measure Reports

Clinical Quality Measure (CQM) reports are generated as a part of Meaningful Use Stage-2 requirement. These reports are useful if you want to view the list of patients who have not fulfilled the denominator and numerator criteria.


The CQM reports are categorized as Clinical Process/Effectiveness, Patient Safety, Efficient Use of Healthcare Resources, and Population/Public Health. The following are the reports in each Category:

Clinical Process/Effectiveness

Children Who Have Dental Decay or Cavities
Appropriate Testing for Children with Pharyngitis
ADHD: Follow-Up Care for Children Prescribed Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Medication
Controlling High Blood Pressure
Use of Appropriate Medications for Asthma


Patient Safety

Use of High-Risk Medications in the Elderly
Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record


Efficient Use of Healthcare Resources

Appropriate Treatment for Children with Upper Respiratory Infection (URI)
Use of Imaging Studies for Low Back Pain


Population/Public Health

Chlamydia Screening for Women
Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up
Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention


1.From the left menu items, click Reports > Utilization Reports > Clinical Quality Measure. The Clinical Quality Measure screen is displayed with Clinical Process/Effectiveness, Patient Safety, Efficient Use of Healthcare Resources, and Population/Public Health in Domains.
2.Move the cursor above Domains. The categories are displayed.
3.Select the category as Clinical Process/Effectiveness, Patient Safety, Efficient Use of Healthcare Resources, or Population/Public Health, and select the relevant report to generate.
4.Enter necessary details in the report filters available, based on which the report is generated.
5.Click Percentage Report. The report is generated with the number of patients who have qualified for denominator and numerator count, percentage of qualified patients in numerator, and number of patients not qualified. Click the Denominator, Numerator, or Not Qualified link to view the list of patients in a separate tab.


Once a CQM report is generated, the following are common links the user can view while working with the CQM Reports. They are:


Denominator: The number of patients who have fulfilled the criteria for denominator can be viewed, and for the same criteria the list of patients can be viewed by clicking the Denominator link.
Numerator: The number of patients who have fulfilled the criteria for numerator can be viewed, and for the same criteria the list of patients can be viewed by clicking the Numerator link.
Percentage: This shows the percentage of qualified patients in numerator.
Not Qualified: The list of patients for whom the denominator criteria are fulfilled and numerator criteria are not yet fulfilled can be viewed by clicking the Not Qualified link.


For details on denominator or numerator criteria fulfillment, refer to the help iconINSYNC~1_img495 in the system corresponding to the Clinical Quality Measures Alert section while ending an encounter.



Click QRDA-I to submit an XML file that contains information about initial patient population qualification.
Click QRDA-III to submit an XML file that contains information about calculation for initial patient population, denominator, numerator, and exclusion.
Click the appropriate CQM report and follow the similar steps to generate the report.

