You can configure the care plan elements (problems, short/long term goals, patient stated goals, and interventions) using the recommend type ‘Care Plan’. When configuring problems, goals, and interventions, system allows maintaining provider’s favorite list.
Additionally, when configuring problems, you can map them with goals, interventions, and illnesses. So whenever such illnesses are recorded (which are mapped with problems) from the Diagnosis screen, respective problems will be captured automatically in the Care Plan module.
To configure the Care Plan:
1. | From the left menu items, click Administration > Configuration > EMR > Treatment Plan. |
2. | Edit the Order Set for which you want to configure care plan. |
3. | In the left pane, locate the Care Plan recommend type. To rename the recommend type title, click the icon. |
4. | In the right pane, locate Types. To rename the types’ titles, click the icon. |
| Note: The renamed titles are applicable for the problems, goals, and intervention in the Type drop-down list. |
5. | In the Recommend Master Values panel, do the following in the Type field: |
• | To configure problems, select Problems. |
• | To configure long term goals, select Long Term Goal. |
• | To configure short term goals, select Short Term Goal. |
• | To configure patient stated goals, select Patient Stated Goal. |
• | To configure interventions, select Intervention. |
6. | Enter the description and click the icon. The text is then added to the master values in the grid. |
7. | To map problems with goals, interventions, illnesses, click the icon next to problems. |
8. | On the Map Problem screen; |
• | Select one or more long term, short term, patient stated goals, and interventions to be linked with respective problem. |
• | To map the group of illness codes with the problem, type the initials of ICD codes followed by ‘#’ instead of numbers. All the ICD codes matching with initials are then mapped with selected problem. |
• | To add exclusions for the illnesses added in group, enter the ICD code in the Illness Exclusion section. |
• | To map individual ICD codes with the problem, start typing the illness code or its description and select using smart search results. |
9. | To add the master values to the provider’s favorite list, select the check box next to the corresponding master values. |
• | To edit the master value details, click the icon. |
• | To inactivate the master values, click the icon. |
• | Deselect the Active Recommend Master Values check box to view the list of inactive master values. To reactivate it, click the icon. |