When generating a CQM report, you may want to submit XML files to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC). This XML file contains information about the calculation for initial patient population, denominator, numerator, and exclusion.


To generate an XML file:

1.From the left menu items, click Reports > Utilization Reports > QRDA. The Generate QRDA-III screen is displayed.
2.Select the Reporting From and Reporting To dates using the calendar icon.
3.Select the Provider from the drop-down list.
4.Do the following:
Select the All CQM Reports check box to generate a single XML file for all the CQM reports together, or
Select the appropriate check boxes to generate single or multiple reports.
5.Click Generate QRDA-III. The XML file is generated based on the selection and submitted to the ONC.


Note: The XML file generated can be viewed or saved on the local drive.

