Outstanding Balance Reports

Outstanding Balance Reports lists all visits/procedures for which the practice is still owed money. Users can access these reports by clicking the Reports tab and selecting Outstanding Balance Report.

On the Outstanding Balance Report screen, the user can select from the following report filters:

1.Select the Facility to include using the drop-down menu.
2.Select the Payer to include using the drop-down menu.
3.Select the Provider to include using the drop-down menu.
4.Select the Responsibility to include using the drop-down menu.
5.Select the Date of Service From/To dates by clicking on theINSYNC~1_img29 icon and selecting a date from the Calendar.
6.Select the Sort By method (e.g., Patient Name, Balance, Claim #) using the drop-down menu.
Note: If Patient Name is selected, the report will be sorted alphabetically by patient name. If Balance is selected, those patients with the highest balance will display first.
7.Select the Claim Attributes to include (e.g., corrected claim, rebilled) using the drop-down menu.
8.Hover the mouse pointer over the Patient Category drop-down to view the list of categories. Select one or more patient categories (e.g., Bankruptcy, BCBS, Collections, Medicaid) from the drop-down list.
Note: Patient Category can be assigned in the Patient Demographics.
9.Select the Aging Range of the report using the drop-down menu.
10.Select the Billing Entity using the drop-down menu.
11.Select the Show denials only check box if you want to include only denials in the report.
12.Select the 'Show only claims for which insurance...' check box if you want to include claims for which insurance companies have not made any payment.
13.Select service provider using the drop-down list.
14.Click the Generate Report button. The report will display in the screen below.
15.Click the “Export to Excel” button. This will export the report in to the Excel format.
Note: The user can also generate the summarized report by clicking the Outstanding summary based on Patient option on top. Only the following fields will be enabled when generating this report: Responsibility, DOS From and To, Patient Category, and Sort By.
