The Room / Bed Configuration module allows practices to configure rooms and beds for inpatient treatment. You can access the configuration screen by clicking the “Administration” tab and selecting “Room / Bed Configuration” option.

Steps to configure Category, Room & Bed, and Admission Type:

On the Room / Bed Configuration screen, you will see 3 panels: Category, Room & Bed, and Admission Type.

Category Tab:

1.Expand the Category panel to add various categories according to the specialty.
2.Enter the category name in the Category field.
3.Select appropriate color for that category from the color palette.
4.Enter short description of the category in the Description field.
5.Click Add to add that category to the system.
6.Click the edit icon Edit to edit that category details.
7.Click the inactivate icon Inactivate_Icon to inactivate that category.
8.Click the activate icon Activate icon to activate that category.


Room & Bed Tab:

1.Expand the Room & Bed panel to add rooms and beds.
2.Enter the room number in the Room field.
3.Select the facility from the Facility drop-down.
4.Select the category from the Category drop-down for which you want to use the room.
5.Select the age range for which you want to use that room from the Age drop-down.
6.Select the gender for which you want to utilize the room from the Sex drop-down.
7.Click Search to find the room based on the search criteria.
8.Click Add to add the room based on the entered details.
9.Click the expand icon plus icon to add beds for that room.


Admission Type:

1.Expand the Admission Type tab to add custom admission types.
2.Enter the admission type in the Admission Type field.
3.Enter default hours value in the Default Hours field.
4.Click Add to add that admission type to the system.

