Vaccine Administration Report

A “Vaccine Administration Report” helps the users to view all the vaccines that are administered to one or more patients with the stipulated time frame. Users can also find number of vaccines that are administered from a given lot or by a specific provider. The report can be generated for the Adult and Pediatric Immunizations separately. This report can be filtered based on facility, date range, patient name, patient age, patient category, vaccine, administered by, and lot number. The report will be grouped by the vaccine name.


To generate the Vaccine Administration Report:


1.From the left menu items, select Reports > Utilization reports > Vaccine Administration Report.
2.Do one of the following:
To generate report for adult immunizations, select Adult Immunization.
To generate report for pediatric immunizations, select Pediatric Immunization.
To generate report for both, select Both
3.By default, "Both" option is selected.
4.Select the facility from the drop down list for which the report needs to be generated.
5.In the From Date and To Date fields, enter or select the duration for which the report needs to be generated. By default, system will generate report for the recent 30 days.
6.Enter patient name or select using magnifier.
7.Select patient based on which the report needs to be generated.
8.Select patient category from the drop down list.
9.Select vaccine (Example: Rabies, intramuscular injection - 18) from the drop down list.
10.Enter Lot# to generate report for specific lot.
11.Enter the name who has administered the Immunization.
12.Select the patient age from the drop down list.
13.Select appropriate option to group the report by Patient or Vaccine.
14.Click Generate Report.
15.Click Export Data to export report details into excel file.


Note: You can also click Generate Report by just selecting the date range. The report is generated with the list of administered immunizations for that date range.

