Validating & Scrubbing a Claim

Note: To configure the Claim Scrubber feature, please contact the INSYNC support. Once enabled, the user must be assigned access on the Claim Scrubber option. To assign access, click Administration > Roles & Permissions > Billing Module > Manage Privileges link > Claim Scrubber. Select the necessary check boxes.

When you are finished entering the charge, prior to generating the claim, the user should click the “Validate & Scrub” button to validate that there is no missing information and to precheck or scrub a claim before the claim is saved in the system. If you do not want to scrub the claim when generating the charge, you can do it later, on the Claims Processing screen.

Note: Clicking “Validate & Scrub” or pressing "Alt + I" will prepopulate all associated information from the existing fee schedule.

If information is missing, the user will see a message indicating which fields still need to be completed prior to claim generation.

Once the user has filled in these fields, click the “Validate & Scrub” or press "Alt + I" button once more to confirm all necessary information has been completed.

Viewing Scrubbed Claim(s) Status

Once the claim(s) is pre-checked, you are navigated to the Claim Scrub Result Screen to view the status. The result is displayed.

Viewing Claim Error

To view the claim error, expand the claim details by clicking the specific claim in the grid. In the Error Action column, remarks indicate that the claim can be rejected. You can correct the claim details for the errors shown and scrub the claim again.