The Void Report helps users to generate the detailed report for voided claims or voided copays within specified limit of date range. This report can also be generated for specific patient or specific claim.


To generate Void Report:


1.In the Report Type section, do the following:
To generate report for voided claims, select Void Claims option. By default, this option is selected.
To generate report for voided copays, select Void Copay option.
2.Select the Facility to include by using the drop-down menu. This option is available only for Void Claims report.
3.Select the Provider to include by using the drop-down menu. This option is available only for Void Claims report.
4.To generate the report for specific patient, start typing the patient name and select using smart search results.
5.Enter the claim number to generate the report for specific claim. This option is available only for Void Claims report.
6.Enter or select the date range for void date using the Calendar icon.
7.Select the user who voided the claim/copay.
8.Select the users who collected copay to generate report for specific users. This option is available only for Void Copay report.
9.Click Generate Report.