Working Rejected Claims & Rebilling

Users can work on the rejected claims through the Claims screen.

To correct a rejected claim:

1.Expand the left pane, click Billing > Claims. The Claims screen is displayed.
2.Click the “Work Rejected Claims” button to filter out all rejected claims that need to be worked.
3.Rejected claims will appear in red along with the Claim Status link.
4.Click the edit_1 (Edit Claim) icon to open the claim on the Create Claims screen.

A rejection report, detailing the reasons for the rejection, will be displayed above.

This report retrieves detailed errors associated with the claim, as well as the original claim submission date/time, who submitted the claim, and insurance name to which the claim was submitted. This provides the user with feedback as how to work the claim prior to rebilling.

5.Make necessary corrections to the claim.
6.Select Rebill To payer, either the Primary or Secondary insurance, by using the Rebill To drop-down.

Note: If you do not choose a “Rebill To” payer, the worked claim will not be able to be resubmitted and will not move to the Claims Processing screen.

7.Select the Rebill Type using the drop-down menu, if applicable.
8.Enter the ICN, if applicable.
9.Click the “Save & Rebill” button to resave and generate the claim. The claim listing in the Claims window below will now display a status of “Rebilled”.

 Note: This will keep the original claim number.

10. Go to the Claims Processing queue to resubmit the worked claim.