The Write-Off report provides a quick overview of the batch write-off payments done for a patient. This reports also helps in finding the list of all write-off payments done for all the patients.

On the Write-Off Report screen, the user can select from the following report filters:

1.Sort by Date of Posting or Date of Service clicking in the appropriate radial button.
2.Select the date range for the Date of Posting/Date of Service by clicking theINSYNC~1_img29 icon and selecting the dates from the Calendar.
3.Select the Facility to include by using the drop-down menu.
4.Select the Provider to include by using the drop-down menu.
5.Start typing the Patient Name in the field and select an individual patient from the Smart Search list.
Note: This allows the user to see the write-off payments done for that patient.
6.Select the User to include by using the drop-down menu.
7.Select the Write-Off Type to include using the drop-down menu.
8.Select the Write-Off Amount to include using the drop-down menu.
9.Select the Write-Off Reason to include using the drop-down menu.
10.Click the Generate Report button.
